Back to a busy training schedule today, from training on the ARED (Advanced Resistive Exercise Device) to a class on setting up onboard cameras and video downlinks from the Space Station to a refresher of power and thermal control systems, which including running an external ammonia leak scenario to review some critical procedures.
But the day started at the ground training model of the T2 treadmill, on which ISS crewmembers are scheduled to run several times a week for their cardiovascular conditioning. Running on the treadmill generates significant loads and, as you can imagine, we don’t want those loads to be transmitted to the rest of Station. For this reason the treadmill is actually “suspended” on a vibration isolation system, that dampens out the loads imparted by the running crewmember. To make sure this works satisfactorily, periodically we perform an alignment procedure, which is what I was learning to do in the photo.
If you missed it and you’re curious to see how we can run in weightlessness, take a look at Logbook L-414.
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